NUSTİL Teff Flour

NUSTİL Teff Flour

Barcode: 8697617906041

Gluten Free
NUSTİL Teff Flour


1,397.0 kJ
12.0 g
65.0 g
5.0 g
7.0 g
0.0 g
2.0 g
0.0 mg
167.0 mg
5.0 mg
194.0 mg
403.0 mg
0.0 µg
Vitamin A
0.0 mg
Vitamin B1
0.0 mg
Vitamin B2
0.0 mg
Vitamin B3
0.0 mg
Vitamin B5
0.0 mg
Vitamin B6
0.0 mg
Vitamin B11
0.0 µg
Vitamin B12
0.0 mg
Vitamin C
0.0 µg
Vitamin D
about the product


Ingredients: 100% teff flour

🌱Gluten-free and vegan. 🌱High in phosphorus, iron, magnesium. 🌱Rich in dietary fiber. 🌱A source of protein and calcium.

🇳🇱 Origin: Netherlands

Usage: Suitable for use in dough-based recipes.

Features: Wheat-Free, Caffeine-Free, Casein-Free, Lactose-Free, Yeast-Free, Corn-Free, Sugar-Free, Soy-Free, Dairy-Free, High Fiber, High Protein, Egg-Free

**Storage Conditions: **Store in a dry and cool place.


Teff, a plant native to Northern Ethiopia, is one of the oldest domesticated plant species and its gluten-free and healthy seeds are a nutritious food source. You can find the finest and most carefully prepared powdered form of Teff in NUSTİL Teff Flour packages, which make most baked goods healthier.

NUSTİL Teff Flour is a product that allows the use of healthy seed-derived flour as a substitute for regular flour. It is made from a special plant with high protein content that is rare and highly nutritious. It has gained rapid popularity in recent years. Teff flour and Teff products are also a versatile option for individuals following a vegan diet. Teff's miraculous properties have been widely discussed and appreciated, which is why NUSTİL Teff Flour can be easily used.

It contains high protein and fiber, making it satiating when consumed. Moreover, it is completely gluten-free. It has a more pleasant aroma than regular flour. Therefore, anyone who wants to eat healthily can easily use NUSTİL Teff Flour.


NUSTİL Teff Flour does not contain any unhealthy ingredients. This makes it suitable for individuals who want to eat healthily. Teff flour offers different alternatives for many meals with its high protein values. The ingredients found in Teff flour are as follows:

  • High protein content
  • High fiber content
  • High calcium content
  • High magnesium content
  • Vitamin B1 and phosphorus
  • High iron content
  • And many other beneficial nutrients for the human body.


After using NUSTİL Teff Flour, your body easily absorbs the nutrients it contains. You can easily use it with its many beneficial ingredients. You can use NUSTİL Teff Flour to make bread by leavening it just like regular flour. It is not limited to bread; you can use it to make various dough-based recipes such as cookies, cakes, pastries, pies, and pastries.

If you engage in sports, follow a diet, are vegan, or are looking for healthier alternatives for your children, NUSTİL Teff Flour is the perfect product for you!

Product Features

NUSTİL Teff Flour contains healthy minerals. Like all food made from Teff plants, it is beneficial in many ways. Some of the benefits of NUSTİL Teff Flour are:

  • High protein and calcium content.
  • Contains iron and vitamins.
  • Suitable for individuals with gluten intolerance as it is gluten-free.
  • Teff flour is an important source of amino acids.
  • It has a low glycemic index.

Storage Conditions

After using NUSTİL Teff Flour, make sure to close the package tightly and store it in a cool place at room temperature with normal humidity levels. You can transfer the Teff flour to a glass jar after opening it and store it in a cool environment to maintain its freshness. Never leave the Teff flour with the package open. Make sure to tightly close the package after use.

Nutritional Value

NUSTİL Teff Flour is a rich and beneficial food due to its content. Individuals who need to follow a gluten-free diet, those following a vegan diet, those who want to eat healthily, those who engage in sports, and those on a diet can easily use this product.

NUSTİL Teff Flour contains abundant calcium, high fiber, magnesium, Vitamin B1, phosphorus, and iron. The nutritional values that a person needs in the right amounts have been carefully prepared for these products. If you care about your health, you should definitely try NUSTİL Teff Flour.

Additional Information

  • The ingredient and allergen information is provided for informational purposes.
  • The product's ingredients and allergen information are constantly updated, but you can find the most accurate information on the product packaging.
  • Our company is not responsible for any discrepancies between the information on the website and the product packaging.
  • The most up-to-date information is provided on the packaging.
  • For detailed and up-to-date information, please contact our company.